Yakult Drink Benefits

 Yakult Drink Benefits

Nowadays you must have seen a food item named Yakult Drink. After all, what is this Yakult and what are its benefits? Today we will talk about this.

Yakult is a natural probiotic drink. This can be very beneficial for us, so, first of all, we talk about why do we need it?

It is said that our good health begins with our gut. If your stomach is not right then you can get sick and you can get many diseases. Like the heart, liver, kidney all these are beneficial for us, in the same way, it is very important for us to take care of our stomach.

There are many types of bacteria found in our intestines, which are very beneficial for the digestion of our food, which we also call probiotic or natural bacteria. Their function is to break down and digest the food and then the food. supplying the whole body by extracting nutrients from

It also increases our immunity and later it is also beneficial in removing waste from our body through bowel movements. If their quantity becomes more or less or if their work is shaken, then we can have many types of damages.

The toxins of the waste that should go out, mix in our blood and come in our body, due to which your immunity decreases and many types of diseases start happening. It can also increase harmful bacteria.

History of Yakult: History of Yakult Drink

Yakult is nothing new. Yakult is a probiotic drink that has been in the market since 1935.

It's beginning! Japanese doctor Minoru Shirota (Dr. Minoru Shirota.) At that time the Japanese were battling an infection. But Doctor Minoru Shirota believed that "prevention is better than cure." Therefore, if we do prevention, then the cost that is being spent on treatment will also be saved and we can also live a long life. He found in his lab that many types of bacteria are found in our intestine, which increases our immunity.

He isolated LCS from more than 300 lactic acid bacteria in 1930. LCS helps in improving the functioning of the digestive system. And also helps in building immunity. That is why you will find LCS written on the top of the Yakult.

In 1935, when he got the proof of this, he started selling this thing in the market by mixing it in milk.

And today more than 40 million people enjoy drinking it. Now Yakult is available in many forms such as Yakult Probiotic, Yakult Lite, Yakult Digestive System etc.

The name of LCS is also derived from the name of Dr. Shirota.

L.casei strain Shirota

Lecto means Milk

Basillus Small Rod ( Rod Shaped Bacteria)

Casei Discovered ( in Cheese)

Strain Shirota ( Discover by Dr. Shirota)

Lactobacillus casei was first discovered in cheese

Benefits of Yakult :

  • Yakult  helps to digest food

    Friends, this is the best advantage of this that it helps in digestion. Nowadays if you are eating outside food or eating any junk food then it takes a lot of time to digest them. Therefore, consuming Yakult helps you a lot in digesting food. It keeps you active and gives you energy.

  • Yakult  Increases immunity.

    If your food is digested well, then all the nutrients will go to your body, due to which your immunity will increase. And stay away from diseases.

  • Yakult  act as an antibiotic

    When you take an antibiotic, the antibiotic kills both the good and bad bacteria in your body, so that the stomach is not cleaned properly. Either you get diarrhea or you get constipated so if you take any antibiotic then you should take Yakult. It works to maintain good bacteria in your body.

  • Yakult anti-aging

    It is considered very beneficial for elderly people. As you age, your digestive power also decreases along with your age. If the age of your intestines also starts increasing, then you can take Yakult to increase the age of your intestines. It enhances the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients and give you energy.

  • Yakult Prevents infection.

    The thing that bothers us the most about the change in weather is winter. It is your thing to have infections etc. in the winter season. A study in Japan has found that regular consumption of probiotic drinks reduces the chances of getting infections.

  • Yakult  relieves constipation

    If your stomach is not right and You are constipated. Take probiotics. Now if you consume Yakult in probiotic, then your stomach will be right and your bowl moment will also be correct.

Yakult Calories

Nutritional facts per serving (65ml) 

Energy 24 kcal

Protein 0.8g

Total Carbohydrate 5g

Added sugar 3g

Pectin 160mg

Steviol Glycoside 16 mg

Vitamin E 3mg

Vitamin D 3mcg

Total Fat < 0.1g

How to use Yakult:

You can take Yakult in the morning after a meal or in the afternoon after lunch. How do you get the whole bottle at a time?

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