If you want to lose weight then drink cinnamon water on an empty stomach in the morning
Weight can also be reduced with cinnamon water. When we are feeling untimely hungry, when we are thinking of eating something sweet or full of calories, which may lead to weight gain, cinnamon water stops this craving and helps in weight loss.
Cinnamon has many medicinal properties. It is used to enhance the taste of the dish. You can add its flavor to all kinds of dishes like sweets, namkeen, cereals, baking, and snacks. It has anti-oxidant and anti-biotic properties.
The best way to use cinnamon is to soak it in water for some time. Health experts say that if you consume cinnamon water, then it can prevent many diseases in the body. But keep in mind, if a diabetic patient consumes cinnamon, then he should not consume it without consulting a doctor.
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a type of hormonal disorder in which the size of the ovary increases as our cysts get smaller. Mixing some honey in cinnamon water and drinking it can reduce this problem. Along with reducing PCOS in women, cinnamon water also helps in keeping insulin under control.
- The anti-oxidant polyphenols and proanthocyanidins present in cinnamon are effective in strengthening our digestive system. The antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties present in it prevent many heart-related diseases from occurring.
- Cinnamon water is also very helpful in reducing pain during periods. If you include a cup of cinnamon water in your diet every day, then it will reduce the pain during periods.
- Weight can also be reduced with cinnamon water. When we are feeling untimely hungry, when we are thinking of eating something sweet or full of calories, which may lead to weight gain, cinnamon water stops this craving and helps in weight loss.
- Organic cinnamon has historically been awarded not only for its flavor but also for its medicinal uses. It contains a plethora of antioxidants and is antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory in nature. Additionally, it is a great source of manganese and contains small amounts of vitamin K, calcium, and iron.
- Often used in ethnic Indian cooking, Ceylon cinnamon also shines in the preparation of sweets. Warm winter drinks and baked goods benefit from cinnamon's warm, floral flavor. Sprinkle on Cut Fruit for a Delicious and Quick Fruit Salad