Water Chestnut Health Benefits

 Water Chestnut Health Benefits

Water chestnut grows in water is full of nutrients for health. Not only this, it also proves beneficial in many diseases. 

Water chestnut is a triangular-shaped fruit. It has two horn-like thorns on its head, which are with rind. Flowers of water chestnut grown in ponds and stagnant water come in August, which take the form of fruit in September-October. The seeds which are obtained by removing the skin are called water chestnuts. It is a great pleasure to eat this aquatic fruit raw. Water chestnut is well-liked for its nutritional value, crunchiness, and unique taste.

 Water Chestnut Contains in fruit diet

During fasting, water chestnut is included in the fruit diet. The flour made by drying and grinding its seeds is consumed. In fact, being a fruit, it has been given the status of a fruit food rather than a grain. Although water chestnut is eaten raw, some people boil it lightly and eat it with salt. Vegetables and sweets like barfi, halwa is also made from water chestnuts, which have a unique taste.

 Water Chestnut Full of nutrients

In water chestnut, minerals like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, minerals like riboflavin are found in sufficient quantity. Ayurveda states that water chestnut contains 22 percent more mineral salts and alkali elements than buffalo milk. Scientists have described it as a nectar equivalent to a treasure of powerful and nutritious elements. This fruit has many medicinal properties, which can prevent diseases like sugar, ulcers, heart disease, arthritis. It is very beneficial for the elderly and pregnant women.

 Water Chestnut Good source of energy

Carbohydrates are present in plenty in water chestnuts. There are 115 calories in 100 grams of water chestnut, which serves as sufficient food for low appetite.

 Water Chestnut Beneficial in thyroid and goiter disease

Minerals like iodine, manganese present in water chestnut play an important role in the prevention of thyroid and goiter diseases.

  Water ChestnutRelieve sore throat

The antioxidant elements present in water chestnut are effectively beneficial in reducing sore throat and phlegm. It acts as a tonic for cough.

 Water Chestnut Tonsil treatment

The iodine present in it is beneficial in the treatment of tonsils occurring in the throat. In this, eating fresh fruits or powder is both beneficial. Boiling water chestnut in water and gargling it also provides relief.

 Water Chestnut Boon for pregnant women

Women who have an abortion before the completion of pregnancy due to weakness of the uterus and excess of bile, they are benefitted by eating water chestnut. By consuming it, the fetus gets nourishment and it remains stable. Seven months pregnant woman gets benefit by taking pudding with milk or water chestnut flour. Regular and appropriate consumption of water chestnut makes the fetus healthy and beautiful.

 Water Chestnut Removes sexual debility

It also removes sexual debility. Taking 2-3 spoons of water chestnut flour and drinking lukewarm milk increases semen.

 Water Chestnut Swelling and pain relief

Water chestnut acts as an ointment in inflammation and pain. If there is swelling in any part of the body, applying groundwater chestnut peel provides relief. It is also a good source of antioxidants. It helps in reducing the wrinkles of the skin. It protects the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

 Water Chestnut Hair protector

Hair loss is a common problem. Acids like nimanic and lauric present in water chestnut protect the hair from damage.

 Water Chestnut Get rid of cracked heels

The problem of cracked heels is due to the lack of manganese in the body. Water chestnut is such a fruit, which has the ability to absorb manganese from nutrients. With regular consumption of water chestnut, there is no shortage of manganese in the body and the body becomes healthy.

 Water Chestnut Aids in weight gain

The starch present in water chestnut powder proves to be a boon for thin people. Its regular consumption makes the body fat and strong.

 Water Chestnut Useful in fever and nervousness

Taking 10-20 grams of water chestnut juice daily provides relief. It is helpful in treating urinary diseases. Consumption of water chestnut is beneficial in diseases like burning in urination, frequent urination.

 Water Chestnut Ringworm itching treatment

Grind dried water chestnut in lemon juice and apply it regularly, it cures ringworm.

 Water Chestnut Relief from nosebleeds

For people who have blood coming from their noses, it is beneficial to eat raw water chestnuts after the rainy season.

 Water Chestnut Precautions in eating

A healthy person should eat 5-10 grams of freshwater chestnut daily. Water chestnut is heavy in terms of the digestive system, so eating too much can be harmful. There may be complaints of heaviness and gas formation in the stomach. Do not drink water immediately after eating water chestnut. This can cause abdominal pain. Do not eat water chestnut if you are constipated.

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