Sunflower Seeds Nutrition facts

 Sunflower Seeds Nutrition facts

Sunflower Seeds Benefits: High BP and diabetics must eat a handful of sunflower seeds daily, the disease will go away

In terms of health, it is very beneficial to include nuts and seeds in the diet. You can also consume a handful of sunflower seeds every day to get these health benefits. In which nutritious elements like protein, fiber, vitamin E are obtained in large quantities. Sunflower seeds must be consumed by diabetic and high blood pressure patients. The scientific name of the sunflower flower is Helianthus Annuss, about 2000 sunflower seeds can be obtained from a single flower head of the sunflower. Whose upper layer is of black color and white stripe is made on them. Sunflower seeds are usually eaten dry and roasted (dried and roasted). Let us know the benefits of sunflower seeds (Suraj Mukhi ) .

Sunflower Seeds Calories

According to Nutrition Data, the following nutrition is present in a handful i.e. 30 grams of sunflower seeds.

Total Fat - 14 grams

Protein - 5.5 grams

Fiber - 3 grams

Carbs - 6.5 grams

Vitamin B6 - 11 percent of the daily requirement

Niacin – 10 percent of the daily requirement

Vitamin E - 37 percent of the daily requirement

Folate - 17 percent of the daily requirement

Iron – 6 percent of the daily requirement

Selenium - 32 percent of the daily requirement

Copper - 26 percent of the daily requirement

Manganese – 30 percent of the daily requirement

Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Ayurvedic health expert Dr. Vijay says, "The treasure of health is hidden in sunflower seeds. Due to this the patients with diabetes, high blood pressure (high BP), and heart disease are greatly benefited. Even if the problem continues, regular consumption of sunflower seeds can be good for you." Let us know its benefits.

Sunflower seeds Diabetic patient

According to Ayurvedic experts, a diabetic patient should consume a handful of sunflower seeds daily. The effect of the chlorogenic acid compound in sunflower seeds comes from their plant. Which has been shown to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels. Many researchers have revealed that by eating sunflower seeds with carb-rich foods, the effect of carbs on our body can be reduced. The proteins and fats present in these seeds get digested late, due to which the production of sugar and carbs is very slow.

Sunflower seeds Heart Health

Sunflower seeds are rich in Healthy Fats Source Foods. It contains 9.2 grams of polyunsaturated fat and 2.7 grams of monounsaturated fat in 30 grams. According to many research, consuming seeds containing healthy fats like sunflower seeds can reduce the risk of high cholesterol, high BP and heart diseases.

Sunflower seeds reduces inflammation

According to expert Dr. Abrar Multani, due to chronic inflammation, problems like Arthritis, Joint Pain Home Remedy etc. can occur. To get relief from which sunflower seeds, which provide anti-inflammatory properties, can be consumed. It contains vitamin E, flavonoids and other elements, which reduce inflammation in the body.

Sunflower seeds strong immune systems

If you have frequent problems like cold and cold due to a weak immune system, then you should consume sunflower seeds. Zinc, selenium and other nutritious elements present in it help to strengthen the immune system and fight against inflammation, infection, etc.

  • Heart Healthy: Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E and folate. They have important antioxidant functions and help maintain cholesterol levels.
  • Improves immunity: They are rich in phytosterols, which improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Improves the nervous system: The magnesium in sunflower seeds improves mood, reducing the chances of depression.
  • Healthy skin: Sunflower seeds are rich in copper and vitamin E to maintain healthy and glowing skin.

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