Coconut Water Nutrition Facts
95 percent of the coconut is made up of water and coconut contains about 200 ml or more of water. Coconut water proves to be a panacea for our health and beauty. Coconut water, rich in many minerals and nutrients, gives a feeling of freshness in the summer season. Along with this, the antioxidants and nutrients found in coconut water keep the body healthy. Coconut water is also rich in vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and calcium. Coconut water helps in weight loss by reducing the amount of calories. Apart from this, coconut water has many other benefits.
Coconut water has been used for years. Its production is highest in Indonesia and India. The taste of coconut water is salty and sweet. It is also a low-calorie drink. It is also known as cocos nucifera or coconut juice. Drinking coconut water not only drives away the heat, but it is also good for health. It is the only fruit that naturally gives pure sweet water. So let's know the benefits of coconut water..
Nutrients Found in Coconut Water ((240 ml)) – Coconut Water
Carbs: 9 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 2 grams
Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI
Magnesium: 15% of the RDI
Manganese: 17% of the RDI
Potassium: 17% of the RDI
Sodium: 11% of the RDI
Calcium: 6% of the RDI
1). For Heart – Coconut Water Benefit
If coconut water is included in the daily diet, it can be beneficial for a healthy heart. Many scientific researches have found that drinking coconut water controls the level of lipid metabolism in the body. Indeed, excess lipids increase the risk of heart disease. High lipid content in the blood is called hyperlipidemia. Along with increasing the heart related problem, it increases the risk of heart attack by blocking the arteries. For this reason, it is believed that the benefits of coconut water include protecting against heart disease.
2). For Digestion – Coconut Water for Digestive Problems
The benefits of drinking coconut water also include digestive health. Due to poor digestion, problems like gas, acidity and constipation have to be faced. These problems can be overcome with coconut water. As soon as coconut water reaches the body, it acts as a digestion tonic. Thus better digestive system is also included in the list of benefits of drinking coconut water.
3). For Skin – Coconut Water for Skin
Coconut water is a low calorie drink. It contains antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, B-complex vitamins and vitamin C, etc., which make the skin glowing and soft. You can use it as a face pack on the face. Pimples can be removed by its use.
4). For Immunity System – Coconut Juice Good for Immune system
If your immune system is strong then your risk of getting disease is less. The antioxidants present in coconut water boost the immune system. Per 100 grams of coconut water, there is about 2.4 mg of vitamin-C. Vitamin-C produces antibodies in the body, which help the immune system to fight various diseases. It also helps to remove toxins and bacteria from the body. Apart from this, zinc is also found in coconut water, which has been considered an essential nutrient for the immune system.
5). For Blood Pressure – Coconut Water for Blood Pressure
Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and potassium, which help in regulating blood pressure and heart activity. Coconut water also has antithrombotic properties, which prevent the formation of blood clots, which can help control blood pressure. But the thing to note is that avoid drinking bottled coconut water, always drink fresh coconut water.
6). For Weight Loss – Nariyal Pani for Weight Loss
Overweight people can control obesity by drinking coconut water. It is low in calories, which is essential for weight loss. Also, drinking it makes the stomach feel full, while it is not so with other drinks. Actually, coconut water contains dietary fiber. Fiber gets digested slowly in the body, due to which there is no hunger soon. It also contains potassium, which helps flush out sodium. Therefore, one must drink coconut water to lose weight.
7) For Bones – Nariyal Juice Haddiyo ke Liye interactions
One of the benefits of coconut water is that it strengthens the bones. It contains nutrients considered essential for bones such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Coconut water increases bone metabolism, which keeps bones safe even during menopause.
8). For Kidney Stones – Coconut Water Good for Kidney
Drinking coconut is beneficial in case of kidney stone problem and any other kidney problem. Coconut water has a prophylactic effect, which has the property of protecting against any disease or problem. Therefore, kidney patients are asked to consume more fluids so that stones can be removed through urine.
9). Nariyal Pani for Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is a disease related to the brain, in which the patient's memory gradually starts to end. It has been reported in a study that the problem of Alzheimer's can be due to plasma cholesterol, BP and blood sugar. At the same time, the use of coconut water can protect against all these risks. Coconut water contains trans-jetin. This trans-jet protects the brain cells from damage. Also helps in improving memory. Therefore it may be beneficial to some extent in the treatment of Alzheimer's. Also, most of the problems related to headache are due to dehydration. In such a situation, drinking coconut water works to deliver electrolytes to the body immediately, which improves the level of hydration.
10). Benefits of Coconut Water for Hair –
Coconut water contains essential nutrients vitamin K and iron for hair. Vitamin K is very essential for hair growth and preventing hair loss and the iron present in it carries oxygen to the hair roots. Thus it reduces hair fall and makes them strong. Massaging the scalp with coconut water makes the hair strong. Many hair oils are also present in the coconut water market.
Apart from this, coconut water also has many benefits. You can also use coconut water to get rid of a hangover. Consumption of coconut water has many benefits for diabetic patients.