Tofu Nutrition Facts and Benefits

 Soya Paneer Tofu :Better alternative to non-vegetarian 

Tofu Nutrition Facts and Benefits

Tofu Rich in calcium and protein, soya paneer is very beneficial for growing children to pregnant women and the elderly.

Rich in calcium and protein, soya paneer is very beneficial for growing children to pregnant women and the elderly. It is made from soya milk. Tofu balances the level of calcium and protein in the body. It can also be a good option for bodybuilding for gym-goers. Let's learn how -

Tofu  Helpful in lowering cholesterol

Tofu lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the body. If you replace meat with tofu, your triglyceride and cholesterol levels will drop.

Tofu  Protect from diseases

Apart from this, the antioxidant found in it destroys the free radicals produced in the body, due to which you look younger with age. If tofu is consumed in sufficient quantity, it also prevents breast cancer, heart diseases, and osteoporosis.

Tofu  Strengthen bones

One of the benefits of eating tofu is bone strength. Tofu strengthens bones as well as muscles. The proteins and minerals found in it keep bones strong. Its consumption in proper quantity is also beneficial for women.

Tofu  a good alternative to meat

Tofu being a good alternative to non-vegetarian food is nothing less than a boon for vegetarians. Research has shown that a regular and adequate amount of tofu consumes more protein than non-vegetarian eaters. It contains all that is found in the flesh. Amino acids and isoflavones are found in it, due to which muscles start developing rapidly.

Tofu rich in protein

Tofu is an excellent source of protein. We get 10 grams of protein from just half a cup of tofu. Not only this, 10 grams of protein contains 88 calories of energy. This energy is only 45 calories less than a chicken without skin. Tofu also contains zinc, iron, selenium, potassium, and many other vitamins and minerals.

Tofu Calories

One block of hard tofu, weighing 122 grams (g) contains trusted Source:

177 calories

5.36 g of carbohydrate

12.19 g of fat

15.57 g of protein

421 mg of calcium

65 of magnesium

3.35 mg of iron

282 mg of phosphorus

178 mg of potassium

2 mg of zinc

27 micrograms (mcg) of folate, DFE

It also provides small amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, choline, manganese, and selenium.

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